Low back pain — a common disease of the spine characterized by degenerative changes in the fabric structure of the cartilage discs and the bone base. The malocclusion occurs mainly after the age of 30.

The symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis may be different, which greatly complicates the process of diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
Feature of the disease
Cervical spine consists of the vertebrae and nerve endings. Low back pain this area is formed during the rebirth intervertebral kernel. When you scroll the malocclusion affects the nerve endings and the blood vessels important.
The disease is well masked by other disorders, as well as the symptoms of degenerative disc disease are characterized by attacks of headache, and also the appearance of considerable discomfort in the neck area. Patients complain of problems with the pressure and nausea. Many often confuse the signs of the diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Often in the background flowing problems patient suddenly begins to lose consciousness, the lack of air, and numbness of the tongue. At the bottom of the disease is diagnosed in people over the age of 30 years, which is associated with constant static and dynamic workloads. Lately, similar violations were also observed in adolescents.
The degree of development
The symptoms and treatment of cervical arthrosis in a large part depend on the degree of development of the disease. In the first phase is broken, the nutrition of the cartilage, causing the production of some enzymes, and different devastating impact. The man feels a strong discomfort. Get rid of the symptoms of the help of daily morning exercises.
In the second phase, the harmful effects of pathological enzymes in continuous increase, and in the body begins to develop inflammation. The cartilage gradually wears it, bringing the vertebrae come in contact, zadamlya the nerve endings. The painful sensations become more pronounced. A person becomes very difficult to work.
On the third grade, they start to form tumours and growths on the bone tissue. The symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis in this case, they manifest themselves in the form of intense painful sensations. The violation occurs of metabolism, then the spinal column, in respect of loss of inflammation, they begin to be deposited salt. Begins the process of ossification of the vertebrae, which leads to a gradual development of the herniated disc.

It is not always possible to immediately determine the phase of the disease for the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the cervical spine, as well as the degree of tissue destruction may not match the present.
The causes of
First identify the symptoms and treatment of osteoarthritis of the cervical spine, it is necessary to understand if exactly what are the factors that influence the formation of the pathological process. For the development of the disease and affect pathological and physiological processes, which are closely interconnected among themselves and are primarily treated in aggregate form.
Physiological changes can be caused by irreversible processes in the age of the cartilage tissue. The discomfort occurs in the case of irritation of the nerve endings. Pathological changes occur because of poor dietary habits and a sedentary life-style. Mainly such violations occur in adolescents and middle-aged people.
In some cases low back pain can go alone or manifests itself in the form of short violations. Among the main factors triggering it is necessary to highlight the following:
- the lack of regular physical activity;
- the excess of weight;
- this is often wonderful in an awkward position;
- assorted mischief pillow or a mattress;
- neural surge;
- hypothermia;
- injuries to the neck and in the neck.
The cause of the development of degenerative disc disease can become congenital abnormalities, but also a different type of autoimmune diseases.
The main symptoms

In the area of the neck, numerous blood vessels and nerve endings. For this reason the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the cervical and thoracic associated with ischemia of the individual sections of the brain. In addition to this, the nerve endings, which ensure the motor activity and the sensitivity of the shoulder girdle and upper limbs, while squeezing destroyed the vertebrae can cause a variety of events. The symptoms and treatment of cervical arthrosis in a large part depend on the type of system that is affected by the pathological process. In particular, it is possible to highlight the signs:
- violation of microcirculation of the blood, while compressing the vertebrates of the arteries;
- signs of the destruction of the nerve endings;
- heavy neurotic malocclusion in advanced cases.
The first symptom of the cervico-thoracic arthritis of the spine is the presence of pain in the neck, neck-and-neck field. The location of the pain can be more extensive, causing strong migraines. The pain depends in great part from the hearth of defeat and the severity of losses of malocclusion. On the initial stages of the development of the disease, the discomfort can quickly go, little by little the pain becomes chronic, aching in nature. In a period of acute pain becomes excruciating, below, increases the tone of the muscles of the neck and it is observed the limit of movement of the head.
Among the symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis in men and women, it is possible to highlight the presence of ringing in the ears and noise, and congestion. In some cases it is observed a deterioration of the hearing. All of these manifestations are associated with a reduction of inflow of blood.
Moreover, among the main features we can highlight the following:
- dizziness,
- pressure fluctuations,
- the lack of air,
- nausea,
- the violation of view.
The vertigo is considered one of the symptoms of cervico-thoracic degenerative disc disease. They are due to violation of blood supply to the organs, ensuring the balance of the body. The lack of air can occur because of irritation of the nerve endings involved in the regulation of the breathing process. Patients often complain that they can't breathe. In some cases, the symptoms worsened, until a strong shortness of breath or attacks of suffocation.
The lack of oxygen, associated with violation of breathing, is the main cause of fatigue, decreased attention and memory problems. In some cases there may be nausea, that is caused by circulation problems in some areas of the brain. Sometimes it can be accompanied by vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss.
The symptoms of osteoarthritis of the cervical spine are manifested in the form of worsening of visual acuity. However, such a violation occurs only rarely. It is worth mentioning that the realization of medical gymnastics and the glasses do not give you the desired results, and the vision improves only after the treatment of degenerative disc disease.

The pressure is unstable due to the violation of the circulation of the blood in the region of the brain crucial to the operation of the vaso-motor centre. In some cases we can observe a slight increase of the local temperature redness of the skin.
It is very important for the timely recognition of the symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis. The feeling of discomfort and pain occurs, not always, that is why it is essential to conduct a complete examination and proper treatment. It is worth remembering that every patient has observed creaking and medium-sized click with the movement of the neck, and on this basis it is possible to recognize the cause of the malocclusion.
The diagnosis
If you experience any symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis treatment not necessarily need to start immediately, for this reason it is desirable to immediately consult a neurologist. To establish the cause available signs necessarily requires the complete examination.
During the visit with the carrying out of the neurological tests the doctor assesses the degree of mobility and pain in the neck, but also, and above all, the circulation of the vertebral artery. Among the main methods of diagnosis is necessary to highlight the following:
- x-ray of the vertebrae of the cervical spine,
- discography,
- tomography,
- myelography,
- echocolordoppler.
All this will help to identify the location of the lesion and the degree of negligence of the disease, and also make the most effective scheme of therapy. The treatment process is quite long and requires patience.
Fully restore the cartilage structure is not possible, however, you are able to significantly improve the quality of life and get rid of chronic pain. It is very important to follow the course of the disease, if necessary, to adjust therapeutic plan and to predict possible improvements or complications.
Feature of treatment
Regardless of those symptoms, the treatment of cervical osteoarthritis takes place with the help conservative techniques and is always full. Required the use of medication drugs, in particular:
- anti-inflammatory,
- painkillers,
- corticosteroids,
- muscle relaxants,
- vitamin complexes.

In more serious cases-prescribed novocaine block in the area of the most pain. Sometimes it can be indicated the introduction of hormonal funds. In addition to this, you indicated a local treatment, which involves the use of heating ointments and gels. A good effect of physiotherapy, and physiotherapy. These techniques allow very fast and effective way to strengthen the muscles of the neck. However, their application is possible only after remitting acute period.
For increase of level between the vertebrae shown in the hardware elongation of the spine. In the most serious cases-you need to perform a surgery, but there have to be readings.
The therapy can be integrated to wear an orthopaedic collar of the Pit. Because of a solid fixation of the cervical vertebrae, the treatment is performed much more quickly. This device allows to cope quickly with painful feelings, normalize the blood circulation in the neck area and improve the overall health of the patient.
Medical therapy
Depending on the symptoms cervico-thoracic treatment of degenerative disc disease medications medications are selected individually. The goals of therapy are to eliminate pain, inflammation, as well as the return of normal mobility of the vertebrae and the blood circulation.
Among the main groups of drugs, it is necessary to highlight the following:
- analgesics;
- anti-inflammatory drugs;
- chondroprotectors;
- muscle relaxants — relaxes muscles and are used as support tools for the resolution of painful sensations;
- vitamin complexes.
The funds are needed for external use, which can be used in the form of ointments and gels. A good effect in the possession of "Nurofen" and "Voltaren". They help to normalize the blood circulation, eliminate the pain and spasms, and produces the heating effect.
Will help you eliminate the symptoms of osteoarthritis cervical spine treatment with drugs, which normalize the blood flow to the brain. To improve the metabolic processes in the brain, but also the recovery of thinking and memory are required nootropici funds.
Physiotherapy techniques
Fast and effective will help you eliminate the symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis treatment at home using a special medical gymnastics. In addition to the physical THERAPY applications and drug medications, in the complex of the activities includes the following methods of exposure:

- elongation of the spine,
- massage,
- physiotherapy impact.
Traction of the spine will increase the spaces between the vertebrae. However, it is worth mentioning that the load must be determined. The exhibition will take place in several ways, in particular with the application of special remote.
Very good results gives me a massage. This procedure normalizes the circulation of the blood, the power and the gas exchange of the cartilage tissue. In addition to this, with the help of massage, you can eliminate muscle fatigue and spasms, get rid of the pain.
Physiotherapy impact involves the application of different tools, such as:
- effect of the laser,
- the magnetic field,
- ultrasound,
- a low frequency current.
In some cases, also apply to the drugs in combination with physiotherapy the influence, which increases their efficiency and helps to avoid the occurrence of adverse events.
Acupuncture allows you to increase or more than slowing down the processes in the body due to the impact on biologically active points. The greater effectiveness of all these measures you get when the their integrated application.
Folk techniques
If you experience the first symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis treatment at home involves applying therapeutic baths, allow you to quickly eliminate the pain and the inflammation. In addition to this, they favour the relaxation of the spinal column. Treatments should be carried out through the day, and the course of treatment is 15-20 procedures.
In the water for a bath, you can add the stock, mint, chamomile, birch, lemon balm or sage. For the reception inside suitable infusion of yarrow, as it helps to quickly eliminate the inflammation, pain and cramps. As wraps, you can use a solution of sea salt. Quickly will help you eliminate the symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis treatment at home, however, before applying any of the tools and methodologies necessarily need to see a doctor to avoid complications.
Possession prevention

The best way to prevention is a healthy lifestyle, but also the formation of posture from childhood. With the aim of keeping the prevention it is recommended that you:
- adjustment of the power supply;
- the use of the pillow an orthopedic mattress to sleep;
- regular lifting of weights.
The original shape of the flow illness, basically did not express the symptoms. If you experience pain, aching nature, the sternum should immediately consult a physician.